Why Winter Outdoor Play Is Important

Oh, the weather outside is frightful! But the iPad and TV are so delightful…

kids outside

Let’s face it: when it comes to the winter, most people would rather stay outside than brave knee deep snow and chilly temperatures. While it’s easy to just avoid frosty winter weather by staying cooped up inside with a mug of hot cocoa, it’s still important to bundle up and venture out into the cold with your children for some much needed outdoor activity!

Why is playing outside during the winter so important? We’re glad you asked! We’ve put together a collection of the main reasons why you should throw on a warm jacket, mittens, and a toque, and head outdoors for some good old fashioned winter fun.

Promotes A Healthy Lifestyle Year Round

Healthy living starts at a very young age and it’s important to instil positive, health-conscious habits into your children from the very beginning. Playing outside in the snow is a great way to encourage your children to make exercise and physical activity a part of their lives all year wrong rather than just during the warmer months.

While it’s tempting to stay inside and relax during the winter, heading to the park (or even just your backyard) to build snowmen or go for a walk is a great way for your children to stay active and explore our Canadian winter wonderland!

Encourages Creativity And Exploration

For children, the winter snowscape can almost seem like another world! Seeing their community transformed into a snow-covered can be a big change and comes with all sorts of new ways to play and interact with their environment. The snow holds infinite possibilities and it’s important for you to explore your child’s creative thinking skills by enjoying some winter fun and games together.

Boosts Your Child’s Mood

Think about it: how many fantastic winter memories do you have of being outside and playing in the snow? You need to get out there with your child so that they can make these memories for themselves! Playing outside in the snow is a proven mood booster and will make your child happier – while also burning all that pent up energy that they’ve built up from hanging out inside more often, so you’ll be happier too!

Have any more ideas about playing in the snow with your child? Let us know in the comments below!

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