Nurturing curiosity and discovery
The toddler years are a time of exploration and growth, marked by milestones in language, motor skills, and social interaction. As toddlers navigate their world with curiosity, our educators channel this energy, developing the foundation for a lifetime of learning and discovery.
Foundation for future academic success
Children are introduced to an evidence-based, sequential learning model which incorporates a proprietary blend of the Montessori and HighScope curriculums, setting the foundation for future academic success and developing the whole child.
A structured curriculum model empowers children to learn at their natural pace in carefully curated environments.
A collaborative and creative approach to learning, that employs small group learning to foster early socialization.
Where toddlers learn and explore
The Childventures Toddler program supports children's social, emotional, cognitive and physical development. Toddlers are provided nurturing guidance in mastering key developmental milestones with a focus on language development, independence, socialization and movement. A toddler’s ability to absorb information and master new skills is enormous. Our educators will guide this journey and fuel your toddler’s insatiable appetite to learn.

Unlimited camera access
We provide all-day camera access to ensure your peace of mind with your little one never more than a click away.

Classroom ratio
We maintain a 1:5 teacher-to-toddler ratio so your little one will have all the attention and care they need.

Daily report
We provide continuous updates and daily reports via the Kindertales app so you’ll never miss a moment of your child’s development.

Potty training
Our educators will collaborate with you to facilitate a seamless potty training experience.

Key development milestones
By the end of our Toddler program, your child should be able to:
- Problem solve simple tasks in a variety of ways
- Label an emotion
- Use two or more words to make a request or ask a question
- Sustain a verbal interchange with another person
- Sustain a verbal exchange with another person
- Display gross-motor skills
- Watch and imitate body movements
- Learn to feed and dress themselves

Interested in learning more about our Toddler Program? Contact us today.