5 Best Bedtime Books to Help Your Child Sleep

Bedtime can be one of the most challenging parts of the day in getting your child to wind down. One soothing activity to help prepare them for bed is reading together. This is beneficial from both a learning standpoint, and quieting the mind for bed. Here are few fantastic book choices to bedtime reading!


Goodnight Moon

This book is a classic! No childhood bookshelf is complete without a copy of this beloved bedtime favourite. The charming rhymes and whimsical illustrations are no doubt what have made this story relevant and popular, even still today.


How Do Dinosaurs Say Goodnight?

Dinosaurs are a favourite amongst so many children. This book makes bedtime fun, and a little silly, without exciting your child too much that they won’t want to sleep.


Dr. Seuss’s Sleep Book

What childhood was complete without Dr. Seuss stories? This book has all of the usual out of this world imagery and playful rhymes, while focusing all on sleep.


Go Away, Big Green Monster

One stressful aspect of bedtime for children is being scared of the dark, or the prospect of monsters. This is a terrific book to help quell the fear of the unknown scary things lurking in the dark, and make for an easy bedtime and peaceful sleep throughout the night.


Love You Forever

This charming coming of age story chronicles the relationship between a boy and his mother. This is a heartwarming read, and the perfect loving story for parent and child.


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