
What is the Jolly Phonics Method?

Boy and girl sitting at a desk and reading stories

Raising children comes with many exciting milestones, from first steps to words and beyond. Some of these come so naturally to a child that they require little to no adult intervention, and others—like reading and writing—strike a chord of anxiety in the eager parent.

Questions like, “When do I start teaching reading and writing?” and “What is the best teaching strategy for my child?” are natural and expected. In today’s rapidly evolving educational landscape, finding the right approach to teaching early literacy can feel overwhelming. At Childventures, we believe in laying a solid foundation from the start, and one way we achieve this is through the innovative Jolly Phonics program.

This article will explore the Jolly Phonics method and how we integrate this program into the Childventures curriculum. By the end, you’ll see that learning to read and write this way is anything but boring and that it’s a fast track to a more confident child when taught in class and at home.

What is Jolly Phonics?

Jolly Phonics is not just a program; it’s a fun and interactive journey that sets the stage for lifelong literacy and learning. The system uses a multi-sensory approach incorporating visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning styles to help children effectively learn English sounds.

At Childventures, we see the joy and excitement it brings to children as they learn the fundamental skills needed for reading and writing. It’s no wonder why the Jolly Phonics program is a popular choice in schools and childcare centers worldwide.

One unique aspect of the Jolly Phonics program is its order of letter sounds, which isn’t alphabetical but is very effective for teaching letter combinations. The Jolly Phonics order goes by the frequency of use of the letters in English, so kids learn the most commonly used sounds first. Overall, it’s a more practical approach than the traditional alphabetical order.

We’ll start with the core principles of Jolly Phonics and move on to the skills a child will develop using this system.

Understanding the Core Principles of Jolly Phonics and the Jolly Phonics Order

The core principles of Jolly Phonics revolve around a multi-sensory approach that engages children through sight, sound, and movement, making learning to read and write fun and effective.

Multi-Sensory Learning

Children learn through various sensory experiences, including actions, stories, Jolly Phonics songs, and visual aids. This approach caters to different learning styles, ensuring children absorb information in diverse and effective ways.

Systematic and Sequential

The program teaches letter sounds in a specific Jolly Phonics order, which is not alphabetical but very logical and practical. Children learn to build simple words as early as possible, boosting their confidence and enthusiasm for reading and writing.

The program equips children with a strong foundation in early literacy by focusing on five essential skills: learning letter sounds, letter formation, blending, segmenting, and recognizing tricky words.

The 5 Key Skills of Jolly Phonics

The Jolly Phonics program teaches five essential skills for early literacy, each designed to build a comprehensive understanding of reading and writing through engaging and interactive methods.

  1. Learning the Letter Sounds: Jolly Phonics teaches 42 main sounds of English, including both individual letters and digraphs (such as “sh” and “ch”). Children learn each sound through engaging activities and actions.
  2. Learning Letter Formation: The program emphasizes proper letter capital and lowercase formation, ensuring children develop good handwriting habits.
  3. Blending: Children learn to blend sounds to read words. For instance, after learning the sounds of ‘c,’ ‘a,’ and ‘t,’ they can combine them to read the word ‘cat.’ This skill is essential for developing fluent reading and uses a variety of interactive games and activities.
  4. Segmenting: The program also focuses on segmenting, which is the ability to break down words into their sounds for spelling. This skill supports a child’s writing development.
  5. Tricky Words: Jolly Phonics teaches “tricky words” that don’t follow regular phonics rules (such as “was” and “come”). These appear in lessons gradually to build reading confidence and fluency.

These skills lay the groundwork for children to become confident, fluent readers and writers early on. But one important consideration for parents interested in Jolly Phonics for their kids is choosing the right early learning environment that uses the program.

5 Benefits of Learning Jolly Phonics at Childventures

Jolly Phonics offers numerous benefits that support early literacy development. It provides children a fun, engaging, and effective way to learn the foundational skills needed for reading and writing. Here are five key advantages that make Jolly Phonics an excellent choice for young learners at Childventures.

  1. Early Literacy Development: Childventures helps children develop critical early literacy skills by incorporating Jolly Phonics into the curriculum. This foundation is crucial for their future success in reading and writing.
  2. Engaging and Fun Learning Environment: Using the Jolly Phonics jolly songs, stories, and actions in Jolly Phonics makes learning enjoyable. Children are more likely to engage and retain information when having fun.
  3. Builds Confidence and Enthusiasm: Early in the program, children begin to read and write simple words, which gives them a sense of achievement. Each day, they boost their confidence and develop a love for learning.
  4. Supports Diverse Learning Styles: The multi-sensory approach ensures that all children, regardless of their preferred learning style, can benefit from the program. This inclusivity supports diverse learners and helps everyone progress at their own pace.
  5. Preparation for Future Learning: The skills acquired through Jolly Phonics provide a strong foundation for more advanced literacy skills. Children who complete the program are well-prepared for kindergarten’s reading and writing demands and beyond.

Another important consideration for parents is in “how” Jolly Phonics is taught at their chosen early education centre.

4 Ways We Use Jolly Phonics at Childventures

At Childventures, we implement the Jolly Phonics program through various engaging methods to ensure every child builds a strong foundation in literacy. Here are four ways we bring Jolly Phonics to life in our classrooms.

  1. Daily Practice: At Childventures, children practice phonics through various activities. This consistent practice helps reinforce what they’ve learned and builds strong reading and writing habits.
  2. Interactive Sessions: Teachers combine group activities and individual sessions to ensure each child receives personalized attention and support. Activities may include singing phonics songs, playing sound-matching games, and using flashcards tailored to each child’s unique learning pace and style.
  3. Parental Involvement: Childventures encourages parents to engage with their child’s phonics learning at home. Providing tips and resources, such as song lyrics and simple activities, helps reinforce the skills learned in class.
  4. Assessment and Feedback: Regular assessments help track each child’s progress. Teachers provide feedback and tailor activities to meet each child’s needs, ensuring everyone achieves their potential.

Beyond this, Childventures believes that early childhood education is a shared responsibility between educators and parents. We encourage parents to use the program at home to help their children integrate the learnings faster and more effectively.

Tips for Parents to Support Jolly Phonics Learning at Home

By practicing sounds and actions learned in class and playing phonics games at home, you reinforce the skills your child is developing at Childventures, creating a seamless and supportive learning environment.

  1. Practice Sounds and Actions: Engage with your child by practicing the sounds and actions they’ve learned in class. Parents can also incorporate phonics learning into daily routines by identifying sounds and letters on street signs, packaging, or during storytime, making every moment a learning opportunity.
  2. Read Together: Encourage a love for reading by sharing books incorporating the sounds they are learning. Point out the sounds and words to help them make connections.
  3. Play Phonics Games: Use flashcards, sound-matching, or online phonics games to make practice enjoyable and varied.
  4. Encourage Writing: Provide opportunities for your child to write, such as keeping a simple journal or writing letters to family members. Encourage them to use their phonics knowledge to spell words.
  5. Celebrate Progress: Acknowledge and celebrate your child’s successes, no matter how small. Positive reinforcement boosts their confidence and motivation to learn.

With the support of parents and teachers, Childventures children are well-equipped to become confident, enthusiastic readers and writers.

Learn More about Jolly Phonics at Childventures

We hope you can see why the Jolly Phonics program is indispensable to Childventures’ early literacy curriculum.

Integrating the Jolly Phonics program into our curriculum, Childventures ensures that each child develops the essential skills needed for a lifetime of reading and writing success. Combining fun activities and Jolly Phonics songs with systematic phonics instruction, we help children build a solid foundation for reading and writing.

We encourage you to visit your nearest Childventures center to see firsthand how the Jolly Phonics program can improve your child’s early literacy journey. Contact us today to learn more and start your child on the path to reading and writing success!

The best way to get started is to contact the Childventures centre closest to you to explore our Jolly Phonics resources for yourself.


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