Spring Allergy Prevention

Springtime marks the beginning of so many wonderful things! The snow melts, flowers bloom and we are able to shed our heavy layers of scarves and jackets. What aren’t always so enjoyable are the allergies brought on my pollen, dust and dander. Sufferers of allergies know that a perfect spring day can so easily be ruined by the onset of a stuffy nose and dry or watery eyes. Here are a few helpful tips for your child’s allergy prevention!


Different Allergens and Where They Can Be Found

If you already know that your child suffers from springtime allergies, the next most important step is to determine what specifically is causing them. Here are some of the most likely culprits.

  • Pollen – the small dust-like seeds found in the center of flowers that stick to clothes, hair and sometimes our lungs!
  • Dust – the dust itself is not the problem but actually dust mites. Waste from dust mites float around in the air just like pollen and cause similar symptoms.
  • Mold – they release spores into the air and when inhaled illicit allergic reactions.
  • Grass – sometimes children can be allergic to different strains of grass and playing in grass (especially fresh cut grass) can trigger an allergic reaction.



  • Wind Report – on especially windy days encourage your child to play indoors as pollen, dust and grass particles will be flying all over and more likely to trigger an allergic reaction
  • Window Patrol – ensure that during the springtime or your child’s specific allergy season that you keep windows and doors closed whenever possible to reduce the likelihood of allergens floating in
  • Wash, Wash, Wash – make sure that you’re washing your child’s clothing more frequently than other seasons so that any allergens sticking to their clothing will be removed
  • Weather Report – most weather stations will actually give you a pollen forecast to determine how much pollen is likely to be in the air that day
  • Consult An Allergist or Doctor – to err on the side of caution, consult your doctor about your child’s allergies to determine if there are any necessary medications or preventative measure that they would encourage.



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