Keep Children Safe: The Outdoor Safety Checklist

children playing outside

The irresistible warm weather is here and we can’t wait to get outside! Before we do, lets ensure that you and your children stay safe. Our outdoor safety checklist will make sure you cover all of your bases before heading outside.

Adult Supervision

Adult supervision is important for young children to ensure their safety. Adult supervision ensures children are using playground equipment properly and aren’t roughhousing where they shouldn’t be. Supervision can prevent injury, as well as ensure there is someone to provide assistance if any injury does occur.

At Childventures Summer Camps, we provide excellent teacher-to-child ratios to ensure your children are always supervised.

Sun Exposure

children applying sunscreenOne part of outdoor safety is sun safety. Remember to apply the SPF before heading outside. Pick a sunscreen that has at least SPF 30 or higher and cover all exposed areas.

If you are going outside with an infant under 6 months, they should avoid any significant sun exposure. Bring an umbrella if you’re headed to the park, and remember to apply sunscreen to exposed skin.

Playground Safety

Teach your children how to be safe on the playground! This is the first line of action to make sure your children are playing safe.

Before bringing them to a playground, make sure they know never to push or roughhouse while on playground equipment. At the park, teach your children how to properly use the equipment – slide down feet first, don’t stand on swings, and don’t climb outside the guardrails.

Be careful on equipment that is wet from rain or hot from the sun. Wet playgrounds may cause children to slip while hot metal may cause contact burns. Dress your children in comfortable clothing for the park and avoid items with drawstrings that may get caught in the playground.

Water Safety 

If your children are near the water – whether boating on an open lake or playing in a splash park – you need to practice water safety!

The first step is to never leave your child unattended near a body of water. Having fully certified lifeguards with your child near the pool, like we do at Childventures, can help prevent them from serious injury. Have your children wear life jackets, especially in deep pools, on the lake, and when boating. While you’re at it, you should wear a life jacket too! Even experienced swimmers need to wear life jackets. Remember to have lifesaving equipment and first aid kits readily available as well when you’re on the water.

Have your child take swimming lessons, where they will not only learn how to swim, but how to practice water safety too!

Insects & DEET

When in areas with bugs, apply an insect repellent to your child. Choose an insect repellent with a concentration of less than 30% DEET. Make sure your child avoids sitting water, which is a breeding ground for mosquitos. While insect bites may not be painful, they can carry disease with them.

Wearing long clothing and removing standing pools of water from your home can help protect you and your child from insect bites.


Now that you’ve read our checklist, you’re ready for some fun in the great outdoors!

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