Winter is finally here! You know what that means: it’s time for some outdoor family fun. Before you can head outside with your child and start enjoying the snow, you should make sure that you’re appropriately dressed for the weather!
While it’s definitely a lot of fun, the winter cold can also be very harmful if you aren’t properly prepared. Here’s a look at how you can get ready for the winter!
How To Dress Your Infant For The Winter
When you’re getting your infant ready to go outside, you need to keep in mind that small children are much more sensitive to the cold than we are. Dress your baby in layers that are easy to take off and put on, but be sure to add at least an extra full layer relative to how you’re dressing for the weather.
Be sure to also give you infant a warm hat to protect their head and ears from the dangers of frostbite. Avoid using scarves or clothing with draw strings as they can pose a hazard to your child’s health. Also pay attention to your child’s body warmth to determine if they’re getting too warm. Check their hands and feet to feel how warm they really are – they won’t be able to tell you when they’re overheating.
How To Dress Your Toddler For The Winter
As you probably know, as your child grows into a toddler, they’re becoming much more independent! Just like infants, toddlers still need to extra protection from the winter cold, so be sure to dress them in layers that are easy to take on and off. Your toddler will appreciate the feeling of independence that they’ll gain from being able to put on their own winter clothing! Dress your child in light layers that keep them warm, while also giving them the mobility and flexibility to play and enjoy the weather.
Remember: sometimes it’s just too cold for your children to be outside. If the weather drops below -25 degrees Celsius (including windchill) or you feel that it’s too cold out, then err on the side of caution and do not bring your child outside.
Have any more questions about getting your child winter ready? Let us know in the comments below!