Frequently Asked Questions

A young boy in glasses posing with his hand on his chin.

Have questions?

Find answers to your frequently asked questions here. If you have any further questions please contact us today.

Contact Us
  • Is CV enrolling in the National Child Care Program?

    Yes, 8 of our locations are currently enrolled in the program. Our North York campus is not part of the CWELCC program.

  • What are CV’s hours of operation?

    CV Academies are open Monday through Friday, from 7:00am to 6:00pm. There are no additional charges for extended day care.

  • When is CV closed?

    All CV locations are closed for statutory holidays and two Professional Development days throughout the year.

    2025 Closure Dates:

    • Wednesday, January 1st: New Year’s Day
    • Monday, February 17th: Family Day
    • Friday, April 18th: Good Friday
    • Monday, May 19th: Victoria Day
    • Tuesday, July 1st: Canada Day
    • Monday, August 4th: Civic Holiday
    • Monday, September 1st: Labour Day
    • Monday, October 13th: Thanksgiving Day
    • Friday, November 7th: Semi-Annual PD Day
    • Wednesday, December 24th: Closing at noon for Christmas Eve
    • Thursday, December 25th: Christmas Day
    • Friday, December 26th: Boxing Day
    • Wednesday, December 31st: Closing at noon for New Years Eve
    • Thursday, January 1st: New Year’s Day
  • What can I expect in terms of security?

    To enter all CV Academies, parents require a unique pin and handprint to use our biometric hand scan system. This is monitored by our admin team members that sit at desk facing the front door. Cameras are also mounted in each CV classroom so parents can rest easy knowing their children are happy and healthy all day long.

  • What are the qualifications of your team?

    All CV team members are qualified in early childhood education and continuously participate in professional development opportunities. CV offers curriculum training every quarter and two full professional development days per year to bolster our team’s abilities when delivering the enriched CV curriculum.

  • What are the ratios for each age group?
    • Infant ratio: 1 educator to 3 children
    • Toddler ratio: 1 educator to 5 children
    • Preschool ratio: 1 educator to 8 children
    • JK/SK ratio: 1 educator to 13 children
  • How is my child’s progress tracked?

    When your child graduates their program or at set times of the year, individual family conferences will be held to discuss your child’s unique progress. Additionally, milestones are tracked within our parent communications app and parents will receive real time updates whenever their child meets a significant milestone!

  • What should I expect for my child’s first week at CV?

    To ensure a smooth transition into the CV program, new children participate in 2 classroom visits prior to their first day to acclimate them to the CV environment and team. To ensure a smooth transition for parents, each new family has a sit-down meeting with the site director and age appropriate team mentor to welcome them to the centre and answer all questions.

  • What is the CV withdrawal policy?

    Families can withdraw at any time with 30 days written notice. Our JK/SK program requires a 60-day notice.

  • When can I enrol my child?

    CV has rolling enrolment, meaning children can start in their program at any time throughout the year. Space provided.

  • How can I keep in contact with my child’s educator?

    CV provides continuous updates and daily reports via the Kindertales app so you’ll never miss a moment of your child’s development. Instant messaging technology also allows you to send quick messages to the team to check in on your child’s day at anytime.

  • What is CV’s tuition?

    Prices are varied based on location and program but are reflective of the high-quality education and world-class facilities that we offer to our Childventures families. The specific pricing can be provided by the Enrolment Coordinator of each location.